The uncle

The uncle

Today is James’s 21st birthday.

His first card honoring this auspicious occasion was slid under his bedroom door yesterday afternoon.

It was time for nephew Cameron to head back to his daddy’s house and he suddenly remembered he had wanted to make a card for James.

Cam’s medium is pencil. “That way, I can erase mistakes.” Sensible lad.

When James arrived home from work yesterday evening, he found this:

Uncle James complied and did not flip the card until today.

Ah, The Tale of Despereaux … excellent children’s book!

Earlier in the day, I’d told Cameron how James and I had traveled to Connecticut for a long weekend so that his uncle could read The Tale of Despereaux to his grandparents.

Once I showed him the photos from the blog post about that weekend, Cameron quickly agreed that he and I should read the book together starting next week.

Cameron’s been a big fan of his uncle’s since the beginning.

Baby Cam and Uncle James. Rockers.

Once he started talking, Cameron knew how to make Gary and me feel like rockstars:

Papaw! Goose!

He was nearly as thrilled to see us as we were to see him. But as soon as his uncle entered the room, it was clear who the real rockstar was:


Together they play games and make puzzles.

Uncle James and Cameron

I’ve told James he’s making his Sam the Eagle face in the above photo.

Cam and his uncle sometimes go out on the pumpkin swing to read together:

Earlier this afternoon, Cameron sent a video with his musical message for his very special uncle:

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