‘Balancing Act’

‘Balancing Act’

Here’s a poem Mom wrote about grandson Andy while he was in college. It made me think of her love for all her grandchildren. Seven in total, there was surely a balancing act to keep track of all the birthdays, accomplishments, favorite ice creams, secrets.

1988 Mom & Andy
Mom and grandson Andy in 1988. Birthday twins!

Sharing a birthday – April 6 – with Andy, though. Now that’s a balancing act!

Balancing Act

Now the first fruit falls
where last July our grandson Andy
sat under the apple tree
telling of college classes old and new
the opportunities and openings
of the next two years
no guile or greed about him
but a heart for truth and excellence

We see him at his autumn window now
working to balance an atlas in one hand
an apple in the other

~ joan vayo ~ October 24, 2007

Mom wrote that poem 18 years ago. Andy is now married and living on the west coast.

Andy's chocolate heart, 2020
Not exactly an apple! Here’s Andy in 2020, enjoying a chocolate heart his grandpa sent in memory of Mom on Valentine’s Day (click here for the full story of that chocolate heart).

Happy birthday to Andy (and Mom) in just a few weeks. Many happy returns!

“Balancing Act” © 2007, Joan Vayo. All rights reserved.

Apple photo courtesy Josh Graciano.

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