Just be Claus

Just be Claus

Psst! Paula! Come here for a second, will ya?

I was new to this job back in 1992 and still not over the fact that Santa Claus was a co-worker.

As I stepped toward him, he lowered his voice to a whisper. “Oh, boy!” I thought. “Santa secrets!”

Not exactly.

The jolly man in the white beard had a serious concern.

Step a little closer, but don’t let anyone see what you’re doing. And tell me … do I stink?

After a pause to collect myself, I assured him he did not offend. He explained:

I tried a new deodorant yesterday and I must be allergic to one of the ingredients. I’m all broken out. It’s like raw hamburger under there.

I still gag a little remembering that “raw hamburger” phrase. Santa Claus assured me he’d thoroughly powdered his underarms, but that he felt better knowing he’d passed the sniff test.

Unfortunately, it was only a few days later that Santa’s sensitive skin came to light again.

He was scheduled to read to a group of first graders that day. However:

My sunscreen and lotion are in matching bottles. I used the wrong bottle yesterday and today I look like a lobster.

We bumped the school visit a few days further into the week to allow for Santa’s sunburn to subside.

And he was worth the wait:

Santa Claus visits a local school in 1992
That pondering child with the moo-cow shirt is Gary and my firstborn.

This second story was many years later and involved a wrestling legend.

WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley had become a friend over the years. He loved Christmas, Santa Claus, family-owned parks, and roller coasters, so we were the perfect fit.

Mick’s first visit was with two health-compromised children who were granted a wish to spend the day with him. He asked if I could line up another pre-teen to ride with them, creating a riding party of four.

Middle son John jumped at the chance. He was close in age to the other boys, never met a stranger, plus he knew his way around the park. They had a great day together.

Years later, Mick was back in town around Christmas and stopped by – as “Saint Mick” – to say hello. I called home and soon John and younger brother James joined us.

Mick Foley as Santa Claus with John and James
From left, sons James and John with “Saint” Mick Foley.

I like to think that my sons’ opportunity to meet Mick – who is also a bestselling author and one heck of a humanitarian – was one of the top perks of my job.

On this Saint Nicholas Day, we wish all those who wear the red suit a safe and merry Christmas season.

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