The vows
They’re married!
Saturday was a lovely day for a wedding. Since Aubrie and John’s plans for April 18 nuptials ended up as part of the coronavirus quarantine, it was somewhat … diminutive.
That’s Cameron’s new word: diminutive. (I’ve since learned that it’s from a Bugs Bunny quote in the movie Space Jam. I can’t wait to tell my father; he’ll be so pleased to know another generation loves that wascally wabbit.)
Rather than list what was … er, diminutized, let’s stick with what we will always remember about that special day.
There were three sets of vows, not two.
It’s not just John and Aubrie who are a match made in heaven, it’s Cameron and Aubrie, too.

And so, when it was time for the exchanging of vows, she called eight-year-old Cameron up front.
Aubrie’s vows to Cameron:
Cameron, I promise to do my best to be a patient and loving mother to you, caring for and providing for you as my own. I will strive to fill our home with love, laughter, and joy. I promise to be honest with you and to teach you right from wrong. I promise to love you no matter what and to always remind you of the ever-growing list of others who love you, too. While I cannot promise that our lives with be perfect or easy, I can promise that I will always be there for you. Through good times and bad times, days where we get smiley faces and days where we struggle, I promise to be there. I promise to be the best bonus mom that I can be and to raise you as my son.

Smiling, Cameron returned to sit with Gary and me (his Papaw and Goose) and James.
Aubrie’s vows to John:
John, you are the love of my life, and I appreciate all you do for our little family. I vow to be your best friend during our best days and our worst days. I promise to remind you how much I like you and love you every day so you never forget. I promise to let you help me and to listen to you even when I’m being stubborn. I will also tell you that you are right, when I have to.
I promise to keep going on adventures with you and someday chronicle those adventures in our Teddy and Koala stories. I promise to support you in your future endeavors and to always be the brains behind your brilliant ideas. I promise to always put my cold hands and feet on you as a sign of my never-ending love. I promise to help you find the things that are right in front of you that you claim to be lost forever.
I promise to grow along with you and to be willing to face life’s challenges with you as a team. Lastly, I promise to make new vows to you as our relationship changes and grows. With my whole heart, I take you as my husband: faults, accomplishments, good, bad, morning breath, and all. You are my best friend and I love you.

It was John’s turn next, as he tenderly promised his forever love.
John’s vows to Aubrie:
I didn’t think Cameron would grow up in a two-parent household with me. Now he gets a third parent, a loving bonus mom. Thank goodness you found me. Twice.
You’ve made what was my house feel like what is now our home.
Despite the limited kitchen counter space, I get so excited when I can cook you a new meal.
I enjoy the music we play together, especially the coffee shop version of Get Low, that will forever remain our song.
I enjoy the shows we watch together, whether it’s the letdown ending of Game of Thrones, or just me sitting down next to you as you watch garbage like the Bachelorette or Love is Blind. I appreciate that you watch my garbage shows with me.
I look forward to writing our children’s book together, Teddy and Koala, about all the silliness of our lives and show how easy love and friendship can be if you let it.
I’m excited for all our future plans, be it moving into the “big house,” or you finally making me go on an actual vacation, something that you will struggle with because I’d never take one for myself.
I’m becoming a better version of myself because of your influence, your patience, your dedication to calling me out on my nonsense, and the love that you show me and Cameron every day.
I love you and I like you, forever and always.

Welcoming Aubrie into our family fills Gary and me with joy: May your laughs be loud, your hugs long, and (as Cameron – and Bugs – would say) your troubles … diminutive.
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