Julia snorted!
The year was 1991.
I was editor of the now-defunct magazine Catering Today. We sponsored a popular “Catering Expo” in New Orleans. The amazing chef and author Julia Child was the keynoter for our “Crystal Pineapple Awards” luncheon that year.
It was a memorable experience and we lapped up every word from this American treasure. Ms. Child was 79 years old at the time, but still going strong.
When Julia moved from stressing “use real cream and butter – but in moderation” to expressing her utter disdain for frozen meals and microwaves, I knew we were in trouble.
Big trouble.

Our publisher took to the podium next to present the catering industry’s top awards, reading the words I’d so carefully prepared. The top award went to a Denver caterer who prepared healthy (low-fat and low-calorie) meals and then froze them so that busy urbanites could end their hectic days with a freshly microwaved meal.
A little bit nauseous for more than one reason (I was five months pregnant with my son John* at the time), I nervously watched Ms. Child as first her jaw clenched and next her lip curled in a unmistakable sneer.
Uh oh. Julia Child was not impressed.
As the publisher hit Julia’s breaking point, with “these delicious, healthy meals may be purchased a week at a time, frozen, to be quickly and conveniently microwaved each evening,” Julia Child SNORTED!
It was loud. It was clear. And it could not have been mistaken for anything other than an outburst of utter scorn. It was a snort.
I loved Julia Child with all my heart that moment, and will forevermore.
*P.S.: John returned to New Orleans in 2019 with his fiancée, Aubrie. They did not eat frozen/microwaved meals during their stay.

Bon appétit!
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